How to Claim Your CoinList Tokens

How to Claim Your CoinList Tokens

You can claim tokens purchased through CoinList's ONDO token sale.


Fund Your Wallet

You'll need to submit a transaction to claim your ONDO tokens, which means you'll need ETH to pay for gas. If you already have ETH in your wallet, you can skip this section.

  1. Buy ETH on a cryptocurrency exchange in your jurisdiction. You might be able to do so on CoinList. You can also find alternatives here (opens in a new tab).
    • The amount of ETH required to claim your tokens will vary depending on network congestion.
  2. Transfer the purchased ETH to the non-custodial wallet address you provided when you participated in the ONDO token sale via CoinList.

Claim Your Tokens

Once you have some ETH in your non-custodial wallet, it's time to claim your tokens!

  1. Visit the Ondo V1 web app (opens in a new tab)
  2. Click Connect in the top right-hand corner of the window
  3. Read and accept the Terms of Use and Risk Statement
  4. Select your wallet provider (e.g. MetaMask)
  5. Log in to your wallet and confirm the connection
  6. Click Claim in the popup window
  7. Confirm the transaction within your wallet
  8. Wait until the transaction gets successfully confirmed
  9. (Optional) Click Add to Wallet

Video Walkthrough


Can I claim using an exchange wallet address (e.g. Binance)?

No, you must claim using a non-custodial wallet address. If you accidentally provided a custodial wallet (e.g. exchange wallet) to CoinList during your purchase, please follow the steps below to update your wallet.

What should I do if I'm having technical issues with the website?

You can claim directly from the Ethereum network. See Alternative: How to Claim on Etherscan. If you're still having issues, please email