Alternative: How to Claim on Etherscan

Alternative: How to Claim on Etherscan

This guide is for users having technical issues.

For most users, the easiest way to claim is by following How to Claim Your CoinList Tokens. Please follow the below guide if you are having technical issues.


Fund Your Wallet

You'll need to submit a transaction to claim your ONDO tokens, which means you'll need ETH to pay for gas. If you already have ETH in your wallet, you can skip this section.

  1. Buy ETH on a cryptocurrency exchange in your jurisdiction. You might be able to do so on CoinList. You can also find alternatives here (opens in a new tab).
    • The amount of ETH required to claim your tokens will vary depending on network congestion.
  2. Transfer the purchased ETH to the non-custodial wallet address you provided when you participated in the ONDO token sale via CoinList.

Claim Your Tokens

Once you have some ETH in your non-custodial wallet, it's time to claim your tokens!

  1. Retrieve the metadata for the Merkle proof by visiting the URL below after inserting your wallet address.

Example For example, if your wallet is 0x9fe546fa346ac092e8069a6d96891509f92f6471, you should visit:

There, you'll find the metadata for the Merkle proof:

    "contract": "0x3c0417900F5231D448c32C7F4caD40E1EfaD36fC",
    "type": 0,
    "index": 9682,
    "amount": "363636363636363636363636",
    "proof": [
  1. Retrieve the contract address from the metadata and search for it on Etherscan.

In the example above, the contract address is 0x3c0417900F5231D448c32C7F4caD40E1EfaD36fC, so you'd visit

  1. On Etherscan, select Contract > Write Contract. Click Connect to Web3 and connect your wallet using your preferred non-custodial wallet (e.g. MetaMask).

  2. Click Claim and fill in the metadata you found above. Remove all the quotes (") from the merkleProof field.



In the example above, the fields would be:

  • index: 9682 (from metadata)
  • account: 0x9fe546fa346ac092e8069a6d96891509f92f6471 (your wallet)
  • amount: 363636363636363636363636 (from metadata)
  • merkleProof: see below (from metadata, without quotes)
  1. Click Write and submit the transaction. Once the transaction completes successfully, the ONDO tokens will be in your wallet.